Mail Order

The biggest compliment that we receive about M.O.M. is how intuitive it is. The process of capturing customer information, placing an order and then processing this is quick and easy.

Multichannel Order Manager

Multichannel Order Manager (previously Mail Order Manager) was originally developed for traditional catalogue and mail order companies that relied on orders arriving by mail, email, telephone and fax! For many companies today this is very much how they continue to transact. Ecommerce may add another string to your bow but at the end of the day whether you are an etailer, have an eBay or Amazon shop or produce a catalogue, the way you process an order is much the same . To M.O.M. an order is an order is an order, in much the same breath a customer is a customer is a customer…

It is imperative that customer service levels are increased by being able to react to any question a customer may have about your products and status of their orders, as well as and being able to place an order quickly and easily. For this reason M.O.M. has been designed to to have all the customer’s information on one screen rather than needing to open up multiple screens to answer the customer´s enquiry adequately.

The biggest compliment that we receive about M.O.M. is how intuitive it is. The process of capturing customer information, placing an order and then processing this is quick and easy. The order processing can also be tailored to your own specific needs – M.O.M. gives you the ability to take away functions and features that are not needed by your staff, to be turned on at a later stage when needed or when they have mastered their present requirement.

To discuss your integration needs or to arrange a free business review to analyse and evaluate your business requirements please call Richard on 020 7801 6181 or contact us here

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